Acute diarrhoea in adults

Almost every adult will have a case of diarrhoea at some point in their life. It is defined as three or more loose or liquid stools a day and usually resolves itself within a few days.

A number of factors can cause diarrhoea – an infec- tion, food allergies, or as a side effect of antibiotics or other medicines. Such disturbances to the digestive system often upset the balance of bacteria in the gut. Fever, abdominal pain, or cramping often accompany a case of diarrhoea. The severity will vary from case to case – but the more severe, the higher the risk of dehydration. Signs of dehydration in adults include dark-coloured urine and infrequent urination (less than every three to five hours).

Home care for diarrhoea

Although most cases pass after a couple of days, there are a number of things we can do to feel more comfortable.

Drinking sufficient fluids is key to replacing the water lost during a bout of diarrhoea – preferably water or tea, as fruit juices and carbonated drinks could worsen symptoms. In addition, probiotics such as Limosilactobacillus reuteri Protectis could help to rebalance the bacteria in the digestive tract, allevi- ating symptoms. 


As unpleasant as it can be, diarrhoea is something all adults have experienced at least once. Taking care of the gut microflora is an important element of home care for diarrhea.



Constipation affects people in different ways. Luckily, there are some tips to follow when experiencing irregular bowel movements.



While they can do a lot of good, antibiotics can affect the digestive system. For this reason, it’s important to give the gut some support while taking them.

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